Welcome to our website dedicated to
Finnish Lapphunds in the Czech Republic!
The main idea of our site is to introduce you to this amazing dog breed that has made its way to the Czech Republic. Here you will find kennel information, planned litters, dog show results, awards and achievements, as well as advice and information about the Finnish Lapphund’s versatility.
We can also advise you on how to choose a responsible breeder and to help match you up with a qualified and reputable breeder in the Czech Republic. Is there something you are specifically interested in and could not find the answer here?
Contact us at kennel Nezkrotná markýza – we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Never seen a Finnish Lapphund? Like to meet one? At kennel Nezkrotná markýza we love visitors!
Get in touch with us and arrange to come get some Lappi cuddles.
WhatsApp or call +420 602 287 911 (English)
+420 602 734 715
e-mail: bastlmartin@seznam.cz
The Finnish Lapphund is not a common breed outside of the Scandinavian countries. Finnish Lapphunds are friendly, intelligent, independent, active and versatile dogs that thrive in the company of a “hands on” owner. They have a thick double coat that requires regular maintenance and often express their opinions with fairly loud and high pitched vocalizations. Our Scandinavian friends are justifiably proud of their Lappies and want to maintain the highest breeding standards to ensure the continuing health of those amazing companions. At kennel Nezkrotná markýza we wholeheartedly agree with this philosophy and we are committed to keeping it that way. As a potential Lappi owner, you should always check the references of your breeder, and a good breeder will want to interview you as well. If you are unsure how to go about this, we would be happy to help and guide you. Just get in touch with us.
Choosing an experienced and responsible breeder is very important. Kennel Nezkrotná markýza follows the highest ethical breeding standards to ensure the health and wellbeing of all our Lappies and of course we shower ALL our dogs with love, care and attention – no matter how old they are, because that is how it should be!

Our dogs are not only good looking, healthy and affectionate but also clever and versatile. In addition to numerous dog show awards and dog show champion titles, our Lappies are accomplished in canicross, canistherapy and herding.
Are you thinking about getting a Finnish Lapphund puppy? What do I need to do to get a puppy from a breeder in the Czech Republic? Are there any puppies available right now? How long will I have to wait for my puppy? Learn all about how to get a Finnish Lapphund puppy from the Czech Republic.

Kennel Nezkrotná markýza
Jitka Bastl Hořáková & Martin Bastl
WhatsApp or call:
+420 602 734 715
+420 602 287 911 (English)
e-mail: bastlmartin@seznam.cz